Saturday, May 23, 2009

Happy Birthday, me!

Yay, I'm 18, hooray, I'm legally an adult. Now I can do all those things I wanted to do, like, um.. The exact same things I was doing before I turned 18. Hooray for arbitrary signifiers of the passing of time! Now to go back to merrily spending this day doing homework.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The what?

So, I went to something called "the atre" for the first time today (the Melbourne Arts Centre, to be precise). Went and saw A Little Night Music, a musical (duh) with song and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim (who did the same for Sweeney Todd, among others) and screenplay by Hugh Wheeler. Love, betrayal, singing and dancing, that sort of stuff. The wit and sophistication of the penis jokes were much higher than that of the average popcorn flick. I quite enjoyed it and recommend it, though I did get in for free. I guess you could say I paid in the higher learning I missed out on from skipping my lectures, but that joke's a bit of a stretch, even for my crass humour.
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Monday, May 4, 2009

Swine Flu

Just HAD to pull this old video out. If you don't know where its from, go watch Kenny and the Chimp on Youtube.
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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Unspeakable Evil

There's a Wolverine review up over there, go read it. I write in it. And so do my chums, who are also okay too. While you're at it, you might want to check out their blogs as well, they're not half-bad. If you're too lazy to read that wall of text, here's a quick summation of what was wrong:

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