Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Universe has a terrible sense of humour

So, I was on the train this morning. Same mundane half-awake ritual, except I (literally) bump into someone familiar. We both apologise, then exclaim about said familiarity. It's a girl I haven't seen in years, a girl I had a crush on in Primary School. I have a long and not-at-all-awkward talk with a girl since god knows how long. She asks me if I'm seeing anyone, I say "no, not currently".

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Life is too linear.

We can be anything we want to be! 

...provided the conditioning forced on us by parents, teachers, friends, relatives, TV and the media in general, society, culture/s, our feelings of guilt or shame or pride or anxiety or fear or stubborness, our own unique and flawed sense of right and wrong, our so-called responsibilites and obligations to individuals and customs to just about everyone we know or care about, stupidity, love, hate, lack of experience or sense, ignorance, laziness and sheer bad (or for that matter, good) luck don't narrow things down, just a little bit. Oh yeah, being born in a 3rd world country significantly lowers your job opportunities, I should wonder.

Actually, much of it is luck. We don't shape the world around us, at least at first, the time when we ourselves are being shaped. Mr. Universe, or Jesus or the Magic Pumpkin or whoever just arbitrarily decides who's womb we end up in, thoughtlessly ignoring our genetics or our future capabilities to give everyone a fair chance. We are born unto indifference. Empty canvases ready to be filled with higher learning, sure, but between genetics and the aforementioned conditioning we go through until even well after puberty, there's not much choice we really get. 

All that said though, I'm pretty thankful to the Great Pumpkin for my situation. Sure, there are a few things I wouldn't mind retroactively changing in my history, but for the most part, I'm happy. That won't stop be from complaining about things though.

Moral of the story: Complaining is a very fun pastime.
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Happy Frends #3

My hand seems to be getting increasingly less steady from the looks of those borders. See if you can guess what Talking-Fish-Head-Man is speaking this time! It was Egyptian Hieroglyphics the last.
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Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Frends #2

Yes, another one. Seems I don't have anything in particular to rant about verbally yet, so, uh, enjoy?
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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Lol, blogs.

Now all I need is an Apple laptop, a beret and a coffee shop. Full post