Sunday, December 6, 2009


Perhaps not the most respectable of dens, nonetheless I figured I should have somewhere to dump and backup my 'art' that was more organised than simply posting them to the blog. So here we are.

You'll have seen most of the 'art' already, here. Except for this. This is new.
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Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy Frends #602

More wayward shenanigans.
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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy Frends #601

I cannot be held responsible for any seizures caused by this issue.
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Frends #600 - It returns!

Hooray and whatnot! Also, a more convenient URL is had ( Click the big honkin' button.
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Thursday, November 5, 2009

I speak, you listen.

Check out this podcast. Basically, if you're following this blog, I have no idea why you're not already following Unspeakable Evil. Unless you are. In which case, this post should be entirely meaningless for you. You can stop reading now.
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Thursday, October 22, 2009

The mouse is mightier than the pen

Bloggings and such have been on hiatus; exams loom next week and I really just don't feel like it. But since I usually dump my art here, this is an alternate cover I did for Esoteric's comic, spontaneously and partially due to boredom, partially due to feeling the need to draw something.

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Monday, October 5, 2009

Last week on Unspeakable Evil

I review many things and will continue to do said practice on a regular basis (as I will continue to do this practice of updating this blog with links to that blog); and Vyperchild reviews Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days more in-depth.

And now, a random Calvin & Hobbes:

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Still the best video game intro ever conceived

So simple, and yet, so brilliant.
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

Space Cat

Was in a 48-hour game making duel with someone over the weekend. The theme was 'growth', and here's my entry, Space Cat. Would have liked to spend more time on it than I ended up doing, but oh well, might expand on it later. Enjoy.

P.S. The challenger, Overkill's, entry here.
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Monday, August 24, 2009

Awesome banner!

A banner for a school project. Nonetheless I wanted to show-off my snazzy paint skills.
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Historically accurate dinosaur modelling

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Happy Frends #12

That's not very nice.
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

How do I shot fire

More nothings. Full post

Game news!

Haha, I lie. I'm not ready to show you more Eclipse. I'm not ready to show you any Corridors of Wrath, either - yes, another game I have just been inspired to create. Completing one game before starting up another is for clearly for the incompetent. Oh alright, I'll let you puzzle over this pointless tidbit, just to irritate you.
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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Giraffe Riding A Motorcycle

That is all.*

*Disclaimer: I don't really know how to draw a motorcycle or what one looks like. Use your imagination to make it look less like a regurgitated dinner.
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Friday, August 14, 2009

The Cheat post

Gimme a moment, dood. Full post

Happy Frends #11

Give me a shout out if you read this (as in, the comics), either at the site or the blog. Just out of curiosity.
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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Doo doo deet doo

Doop de-doop doop dodododo do do do doop de whoop Full post

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Some more Damien Drake

But only a little.

A story in many parts by the Safeer

(continued from last paragraph)...The thing quickly regained its composure, and eyed me levelly. It didn't seem offended, which was a good sign.
'You are... the human? My sources... Damien Drake, am I correct?' gentle and unassuming, the voice seemed feminine in nature, but I still couldn't be certain about its gender. He, she, it, for want of a better way to describe them, looked like a deformed emu wearing a coat. In place of feathers, thick golden-brown fur covered the entire length of its body. Fingers like large, delicate needles protruded from its equally long and slender arms, rather than wings, and in place of a beak, long, rubbery lips, no doubt hiding needle-thin teeth. Perhaps it wasn't much like an emu. My mind and I got re-acquainted and by then I was pretty damn certain: this was a Kemorhan.
'Yeah. I help people. Finding things. Finding other people. I assume your sources already told you that, though. So, what the hell is a Kemorhan doing in the galaxy's greatest landfill?' Kemorhans were a pretty high class people. Pacifists, sure, but sharp as a scythe, the frontiersman of peacekeeping technologies. And they weren't generally the dirty types, by nature. There were exceptions: take off a Kemorhan's 'head', and all you'd be doing is taking out an auxiliary brain. You wouldn't have time to find out where to really hit them: their survival instincts kick into overdrive and you'd be a new layer of carpet before you had a chance to find out.
'Something – something terrible has happened to me. The law here, they can not help me – and my own people have abandoned me. They said that you were useful.' Cold way of putting it, but it was true. 'Mr Drake – you must help me. Payment will not be an obstacle. Please, just – accept my offer and come with me, I can say no more unless you agree to that.' I rubbed at my forehead with my fingers. She – 'cause I just couldn't shake off that air of femininity about it – sounded genuine. And I could definitely use the cash. But something itched at my scalp, not painful but merely irritating. Something was definitely odd here. Something obvious, but out of reach. I was still groggy from my placidity. What was I missing?
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Monday, August 10, 2009

Happy Frends #10

A milestone is reached, and a truth is revealed.
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Sunday, August 9, 2009

I love this part of the movie

Random non-sequitur parody of anime in Horton Hears a Who.

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Happy Frends #9

My comic has degenerated into sandwich jokes. On the plus side, I'm pretty sure I just invented the cliche 'sandwich jokes'.
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Friday, August 7, 2009

Damien Drake - Private Investigator

A story in many parts by the Safeer

My eyes wandered listlessly over the minutiae of life thrumming across my vision. My mind was drifting again. A finger traced across groove across the dust covered desk behind me, a path to nowhere in particular. As always, the past resurfaced, like an ugly corpse torn from the weight that tied it down. An unwanted memory flashed, bobbed, sunk again, only to be replaced by one more gruesome. Introspection, an ugly habit. Work was scarce, my proverbial wallet emptier than a Pusher's soul, no cash even for the cheap booze that was my fuel. I was settling in for another day of boredom and self-pity when three sharp knocks broke me out of my comfortable stupor.
I turned away from the window and turned my attention to the door. A tiny head atop a slender neck poked through the door, inspecting my claustrophobic little hole I call the office. The rest of the creature followed, cautious, probing. Damn. An Outie. This could be just what I needed.
'Can I help you?' Not leaving the table, I extend my right 'arm' to the stranger. He, she, it, stiffens at the long, sinuous tentacle that passes for a greeting, visibly unnerved. I smile inwardly. Sure, I needed the job, but I always got a perverse little kick outta that part.

(Continued soon)

Yep, I'm trying to write prose of sorts. You don't have much to go off yet here, but comment away.
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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Happy Frends #8

A thrilling conclusion! Well, *a* conclusion.
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Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I'll totally edit this post later with actual content. Sure, this is cheating, but it STILL COUNTS. So there.
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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Happy Frends Has Moved

It looks prettier over there, so yes. Go bookmark it. All of you. ESPECIALLY you. If you don't, I totally won't be your friend anymore. Or don't, cause I'll probably still update here every time I post a comic. But do it anyways. What if I forget? You could be missing out, stupid! YOU'D REGRET IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.
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Monday, August 3, 2009

Happy Frends #7

Lo' and 'hold, it returns.
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Sunday, August 2, 2009


Aww, look at widdle Hellboy.
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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Eclipse, eh

Haven't touched it in a while due to general business (as in, being busy, not making some sort of money). I'll get back on it soon, and hopefully have some significant, uh, stuffs. Nothing much changed since the last time I posted it up, but what the hell, here it is again:

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Puppet sex and Gary Coleman

Avenue Q was great. Might do a little write-up on it later. Might do the same for A Little Night Music. Keep watching this space. Full post

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Demo #3: stuff

Blah blah blah blah. No, really. Full post

Pointless demo #2: now includes sound and death

See title. None of the music is mine, unfortunately. They're just placeholders, so don't go calling thief, either. Let me know if something bugs up. Click.
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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hooray for pointless demos!

Left/right to move, A/S for Day/Night and X to jump. I know there's nothing there, but I thought I would post it anyways, for kicks. The next one will likely show a fair bit more. Clickity.
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Game Makin'

So, I was making this game about a guy who explodes. But then I hear about this and this. Kind of puts a damper on things, even if I thought of it first! So now I'm working on something else. It's called Eclipse, a puzzle platformer game where you switch between two characters to get two parts of a key, allowing you to advance to the next level. What happens on one screen directly affects what happens on the other, but I won't go into speficics just yet. I'll keep my progress updated on this here blag.

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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Happy Frends #6

The saga continues!
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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy Frends #5

Holy smokes, Batman! Continuity!
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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Happy Frends #4

Talk about overdue.
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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Happy Birthday, me!

Yay, I'm 18, hooray, I'm legally an adult. Now I can do all those things I wanted to do, like, um.. The exact same things I was doing before I turned 18. Hooray for arbitrary signifiers of the passing of time! Now to go back to merrily spending this day doing homework.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The what?

So, I went to something called "the atre" for the first time today (the Melbourne Arts Centre, to be precise). Went and saw A Little Night Music, a musical (duh) with song and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim (who did the same for Sweeney Todd, among others) and screenplay by Hugh Wheeler. Love, betrayal, singing and dancing, that sort of stuff. The wit and sophistication of the penis jokes were much higher than that of the average popcorn flick. I quite enjoyed it and recommend it, though I did get in for free. I guess you could say I paid in the higher learning I missed out on from skipping my lectures, but that joke's a bit of a stretch, even for my crass humour.
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Monday, May 4, 2009

Swine Flu

Just HAD to pull this old video out. If you don't know where its from, go watch Kenny and the Chimp on Youtube.
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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Unspeakable Evil

There's a Wolverine review up over there, go read it. I write in it. And so do my chums, who are also okay too. While you're at it, you might want to check out their blogs as well, they're not half-bad. If you're too lazy to read that wall of text, here's a quick summation of what was wrong:

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Universe has a terrible sense of humour

So, I was on the train this morning. Same mundane half-awake ritual, except I (literally) bump into someone familiar. We both apologise, then exclaim about said familiarity. It's a girl I haven't seen in years, a girl I had a crush on in Primary School. I have a long and not-at-all-awkward talk with a girl since god knows how long. She asks me if I'm seeing anyone, I say "no, not currently".

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Life is too linear.

We can be anything we want to be! 

...provided the conditioning forced on us by parents, teachers, friends, relatives, TV and the media in general, society, culture/s, our feelings of guilt or shame or pride or anxiety or fear or stubborness, our own unique and flawed sense of right and wrong, our so-called responsibilites and obligations to individuals and customs to just about everyone we know or care about, stupidity, love, hate, lack of experience or sense, ignorance, laziness and sheer bad (or for that matter, good) luck don't narrow things down, just a little bit. Oh yeah, being born in a 3rd world country significantly lowers your job opportunities, I should wonder.

Actually, much of it is luck. We don't shape the world around us, at least at first, the time when we ourselves are being shaped. Mr. Universe, or Jesus or the Magic Pumpkin or whoever just arbitrarily decides who's womb we end up in, thoughtlessly ignoring our genetics or our future capabilities to give everyone a fair chance. We are born unto indifference. Empty canvases ready to be filled with higher learning, sure, but between genetics and the aforementioned conditioning we go through until even well after puberty, there's not much choice we really get. 

All that said though, I'm pretty thankful to the Great Pumpkin for my situation. Sure, there are a few things I wouldn't mind retroactively changing in my history, but for the most part, I'm happy. That won't stop be from complaining about things though.

Moral of the story: Complaining is a very fun pastime.
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Happy Frends #3

My hand seems to be getting increasingly less steady from the looks of those borders. See if you can guess what Talking-Fish-Head-Man is speaking this time! It was Egyptian Hieroglyphics the last.
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Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Frends #2

Yes, another one. Seems I don't have anything in particular to rant about verbally yet, so, uh, enjoy?
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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Lol, blogs.

Now all I need is an Apple laptop, a beret and a coffee shop. Full post